Catatan Harian Pertama

pada catatan harian pertama saya, saya ingin berpesan padda diri saya di masa depan untuk terus konsisten dalam menjalani kehidupannya

karena kamu di hari ini tidak tahu seperti apa kamu di masa depan. walaupun begitu, dirimu yang dimasalalu terus-menerus memimpikan masa depan dan ingin segera pergi kesana.

Journaling is not just a little thing you do to pass the time, to write down your memories—though it can be—it’s a strategy that has helped brilliant, powerful and wise people become better at what they do.

Journaling is not just a little thing you do to pass the time, to write down your memories—though it can be—it’s a strategy that has helped brilliant, powerful and wise people become better at what they do.

Journaling is not just a little thing you do to pass the time, to write down your memories—though it can be—it’s a strategy that has helped brilliant, powerful and wise people become better at what they do.