Host in Netlify


You can host your static website wth zero cost in Netlify.

Add the below netlify.toml in the root folder.

publish = "public"
command = "hugo --gc --minify"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.82.0"
HUGO_ENV = "production"

command = "hugo --gc --minify --enableGitInfo"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.82.0"
HUGO_ENV = "production"

command = "hugo --gc --minify --buildFuture -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.82.0"

command = "hugo -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"

HUGO_VERSION = "0.82.0"


And you can upload the public folder directly to Netlify or integrate your GitHub accout with Netlify to host your website.

Written By

Ahmad Yusuf Maulana

hidup itu sementara, akhirat selamanya (namun aku percaya waulaupun hanya sementara disitu harus memberi makna)